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Myrskymyytti: The Hospitality Story

Zin Letters -tekijäfoorumi
Spinosar 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 11.55
Kirjoittaja Viesti
Spinosar linkki 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 11.55
Spinosar 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 11.55 linkki Tervehdys Veljet! Zin Letters #3 on projekti, johon en ole juuri [i:41f85f528c]vielä[/i:41f85f528c] osallistunut, mutta tänä syksynä palatessani Orlanthin Kuoleman ja Culbrean Nousun pariin rakkaissa Thorionin ja Trigoshin Saga -peleissäni, inspiraatio istui olalleni ja Issarieen kieli suolsi sanojaan. Lähetin savumerkkejä Humikselle, ja kyselin mahdollisuuksistani kertoa orlanthien vieraanvaraisuus-myyttiä laajennettuna versiona. Humis ystävällisesti lisäsi minut Zin #3 alueelle. (jota lueskelen...) Pyytäisin teitä vilkaisemaan tätä myyttiä ja kommentoimaan tekstiä. EDIT! [color=blue:41f85f528c] 13.11 Teksti laajentunut. Loimilahjaa korjailtu kovin kourin.[/color:41f85f528c] EDIT! [color=blue:41f85f528c] 31.10. Korjailtu tekstiä. Toinen kappale on osittain uusi.[/color:41f85f528c] Katkelma keskeneräisestä tekstistä on ensimmäisestä Loimilahjasta. EDIT! [color=blue:41f85f528c] 3.12 Teksti aikatavalla VALMIS. Varolahja, Vesilahja, Loimilahja ja Lihalahja. 5.12. Valmista muokattiin vielä vähän uudelleen... 85% ja silleen. 6.12. LOPULLINEN VALMIS: EN MUOKKAA ENÄÄ: TÄMÄ OIKOLUKUUN. [b:41f85f528c]27.1. Post-oikoluku versio. Tämä on nyt hyvin lähellä painovalmista. Näin se homma etenee. [/b:41f85f528c] [/color:41f85f528c] [quote:41f85f528c] [b:41f85f528c][size=14:41f85f528c]The Story of Hospitality[/size:41f85f528c][/b:41f85f528c] This is a story how hospitality came to be. [b:41f85f528c] The gift of warning. [/b:41f85f528c] Umath's Camp was a special place; above all it was a place that was only allowed for Umath, the lord of the Mountain, Champion of the gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice, to hold his ring of Eternal Storms. It was a secret place; no one could enter uninvited. When Ratslaff's whiffs unclothed it, they killed the fart-bloated fool. Thereafter, odd strangers were seen there. Umath enjoined Kolat, his secret breath, to organize his Six Stormsons to guard the Six Directions. The old Umbrol set up a watch station in each direction. Kolat told the guardians that approaching strangers were to be halted. If they did not depart willingly, they were to be driven away or killed. If one of the guardians should fail, the other brothers were to come to his rescue. Strangers were hailed with terrible thunder. If they did not leave, the primal winds gathered – fully armed – and met the intruders with unbounded Violence. Uncle Kolat, who remembered how once Great Umath had said to the Evil Emperor, ”Generosity is a virtue, not greed,” encouraged the Stormsons of Umath in the name of Freedom to offer some fair intimation of the unsurpassable bloodshed the brothers would resort to. This was the first hospitality, and so it still remains. To issue a threat before attacking is an act of generosity, even more so if we warn strangers. [b:41f85f528c] The gift of water. [/b:41f85f528c] Vadrus was a son of Umath, the primordial storm! He was fierce, much like his father. When Umath's Birth breathed the world, Vadrus went rumbling with him to the center with his brothers, where Udr Umath, the lord of the Mountain, Champion of the gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice, set Umath's Camp. Umath placed the Law Rock called Acos Block in the center, lit the sacred fires, and named Vadrus and his brothers its guardians. The most ferocious of the guardians was Vadrus. His conception had been his father's first thought: ”Violence is always an option”. The Ill Phoenix of Storms went to guard the below. One night the River Being of Below rose up tall over Umath's Camp, so that the Great Storm himself was inundated. All the world turned turtle. Like an ignifluous lightning, hard Vadrus rushed from his stygian antipode watch station to confront the murky seas. He halted the Blue Beast of the Deep, which kept changing in form as it rose higher, to reach for the stars. Vadrus made it turn. His storms stirred the waters of the Sea Dragon's Well so fast that the gods of the sea streamed into one swirling pool of water. Vadrus moved above the dark terrifying ocean. The Thunderer roared over the maelstrom where the waters revolved around their fount of origin. He shouted out his challenge: ”Oh, Robber Sea King, if you come as a foe, this is the End of the World, for I am the Destroyer. You should aid me, not hinder me. You will learn some time to respect me properly. Bring your worst, and suffer once again, for I promise to offer you your own guts, Water!” Lo and behold, Magasta accepted the offer of Vadrus. The seas know no fear. The kings, Sea and Storm, met in a cataclysmic clash. The world already turned upsidedown could not fully contain the splash that followed, so something had to give. (This is also a part of a larger battle between Odr and Owr - which was eventually won by Odr. The immense fight is why water and air are permeated with odor. Can you smell it? Don't just read these words. Try to taste them and let them fill you. Myths mean many things. Owr and Odr are something like Old and New: and they are still battling it out.) The brooding storms gave out the Original Downpour of Rain. The rain fell upon like the sky was falling, and where it washed the earth the battle was decided. Vadrus armed himself with mountains to break the back of the enemy. All the water that rose in the middle air rained down. The Middle Air was charged with strife. The higher the battle raged, the harder the Rain became. The weather was loaded with vehemence. The head of the Blue Sky Monster had reached Heaven itself. Up there it was like the Heavens had filled with tears. Still today the Ocean Without Return sucks in the rivers of the tears, of which the Creek-Stream-River was the first to be made. When the flooding seas receded Great Umath praised his prodigious son. Chief Umath made the bold Offer of Vadrus a custom. The new thing was: fighting need only ensue if the approaching strangers provoked the fight. It appeared that often strangers favored getting along, rather than being maimed. The Gift of Water soon became a most common thing, much to the befuddlement and dismay of Vadrus. This elementary hospitality was well-received by a great number of strangers, but never by the men of the Emperor. The Fire Tribe men thought that the gift of water was intended as an insult to them. This always led to strife, which has kept the ever-mean Vadrus well pleased as yet profoundly pissed. [b:41f85f528c] The gift of the blanket. [/b:41f85f528c] Hospitality was secretly carried over to Umath's Camp. In the old times a new godling, Issaries Lifebringer, was born to carry messages between the Old Gods. Back then there was only one message to be carried. The world was wrapped in Uleria's blanket and the message was Love. Auld Umath, however, was offended by Love. There were only two laws he upheld or recognized: one was violence, and the other was that no one could make him do anything. He led the fight for Freedom: the old world had none. What happened in the struggle of old times is told in the story:”Uleria and the Boggles.” The old world ended. The gods, both Old and New, were boggled. The worlds were torn asunder and broken apart. Uleria's Linens were ripped to pieces. Umath was denied his Destiny. In terrible anger he nearly Ended Everything; he was real hurt. When all-she-it finished, both the Old Gods and the cosmic ravages had exhausted themselves. The way the cosmos unfolded had changed. The beautiful and once perfect Fertility Blanket had more rip in it than fabric, more tears than threads. Issaries saw through the mere net that spread over the creation - it was like the Gods' Wall sublime was an old worthless horse. Issaries took this broken horse, to make something from nothing, he renamed her mule. Is told the goddess, "Eat less, work more, grow older." Then he set himself again to his task. Silver-tongue circulated into the reborn world to carry the messages amid the gods. Before, when the fabric of the world had been whole, it had been easy to carry anything from anywhere to anyone. But the new world required Issaries to find ways and paths to get his carriage to the gods and people. The mule helped. This way Issaries found the routes where the shreds of the fabric were still connected and he strengthened what remained of its weave with every come in and coming out. One day Issaries made his way to Umath's Camp. He was halted at sword-point by Humath. Issaries spoke: ”Greetings, guardian! I come as a friend.” He shouted out his name:”I am Issaries In-Between, the Talking God, the Silver-footed Goodvoice, the son of Change and Harmony.” Issaries was taciturnly given water. But Issaries spoke again: ”I accept this gift with gratitude, for I am your friend, and here is why: I will not rob you, I will not bear arms, and I will ever speak of your generosity.” His words had the power to move Humath, for to him true Honor was as air was to other Storm deities. With the authorization of Dar Umath, the lord of the Mountain, Champion of gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice, Humath honored the visiting Issaries with new hospitality. Humath gave Issaries a blanket to sleep under. This included the right to sleep in Umath's Tent. This thing Humath would offer only to a friend, or to someone he would have as a friend. Solemnly and without words the Sword God gave the mule of Issaries its own blanket as well. The goddess whispered Hu: ”I am you, sword. Give me little death. Keep me safe.” During the night, under the blanket, the mule felt like a horse again. Issaries kept his end of bargain. Wherever he went, he spoke of this generosity. He taught people the sacred words he had spoken and how they were to be uttered without false intent. Slowly, the gift of the blanket became common. Strangers who came to Umath's Camp started to behave like good guests. They issued the greeting and there was less cause for manhandling them. All good folks do the greeting, and only some sundry obtuse strangers really want to be roughed up. [b:41f85f528c] The gift of meat. [/b:41f85f528c] Many visitors came to Umath, his Stormsons and their kin in Umath's Camp. When they drew near, the guardians halted them. The officers of the camp greeted them. If the Sacred Words were then justly spoken, King Umath welcomed them. The Hospitality Rites led the storms to discover that other beings existed who liked to meet them. The Storm Gods joined several goddesses in this way and their children were born. Umath, King Storm, became the founder of a tribe of gods. In his many battles, the Leader of Battles, Kar Umath, the Lord of the Mountain, Champion of gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice, finally suffered too many wounds. When it was clear that he could no longer lead the gods in the Struggle for Freedom, he passed the ring of leadership to his Six Stormsons. Everyone who was a kinsman or of like importance was invited to take part in the ceremony. Umath's Camp prepared a great feast. Everybody gathered inside Umath's Hall for the feast. The uncles of the Stormsons had prepared seats of honor for these five sons: Urox Beast-wind, Vadrus Wild-wind, Humath Stiff-wind and the youngest Orlanth All-wind; also Kolat the Wind Father sat with them. Everybody who came contributed something to the feast. Urox weighed the most and was the eldest of the five sons. It was his honor to afford the abundant guests with a sumptuous meal. To all the storm gods and all the people of the storm tribes and to all the other important invited guests, he gave meat. Urox bellowed: ”You are welcome here. We, the Ring of Brothers, offer you hospitality here, in Umath's Camp, and I promise my great protection to you and yours while inside. Let us great brothers be your hosts tonight and offer you more. I offer you Karni, from my little brother Orlanth, to quench your thirst with Divine Mead. We offer you a blanket to sleep under by a warm fire. Vadrus provides us with plenty of fish and females, and Humath has brought haggis, and sharp knives to eat with. These are things we offer only to friends. We would have you all as friends tonight. And, finally, I, Urox the Beast of Passion, offer you more: meat, to fill your belly. Hear me, you goddesses! This is a thing we offer only to kinsmen or those we would have as close to us as kin. This is Eternal Feast!” On the first day, the company was good. The mead came from Minlister. The meat came from Bosom of Uralda and from milky Mikyh the Mover of Heavens, the mother of Urox. And a whole lot of goddesses came. All the meat was eaten. Every belly was well-filled. All the mead was drunk. And all the fertile goddesses got pregnant. The superior guests left early, like the old uncles Green Genert, Kalt the Renewing God, Sea Giant Magasta, and Deloradella and Dehore the Darkness Keepers, plus some others who were less significant. The second day, some parties became a burden, as when Stormbull quarreled about the North Wind with Vadrus and Humath, and his followers then ate all the vegetation on earth to prove how powerful they were; or when the noises from the Sex Pit kept everyone awake, which infuriated some and made other people mad; and as when hungry Vadrus slaughtered all the Emperor's Gazelles, which had been stolen in a raid. He offered the flesh to be eaten, but when he ate his gift of meat, it tasted terrible, and everyone who ate it was sorry they did. Sensible guests left then, like Urangu the Staunch, Orv Entil Somersault, Lhankor Knowing, Chalana the Calm, the Band of Donandar and Issaries Slip-between, who said: "No one can be so welcome a guest that he will not annoy his host after three days." Young Orlanth concurred, ”Each guest hates the others, and the host hates them all.” The third day, the guests who remained were like pests. Bloated duke Ratslaff fell victim to a fecal flood from something inedible that he had eaten; it could not be digested. Eurmal's ghastly laughter unnerved everyone. Humath escorted the creep away to the Darkest Underworld. Meanwhile Horny Urox gored the fire god Vestkarthen, also known as the Goat, who was making Harshax of himself with Kero Fin, the beloved Mountain Mother of Orlanth. Whereupon Iphara, the murderous daughter of Vadrus, commented, ”Fish and guests smell at three days old.” And then, Big Fighting! broke loose. Urox was foremost in this fight. The Great Goat, Mallia and Thed left together. Fralar the Carnivore God began eating guests. Humakt came back. Grandfather Mortal was first to die. Umath's Camp was destroyed. The sky gods, led by Black Jagrekriand, violated the Rites of Hospitality. Flamewariors arrived and attacked. Fireslingers burned Umath's Hall down. Ashes rained from the Blackened Sky. Hurricanes of Fear and Death were released. Umath's Age ended with the furious destruction. Bodies of dead gods tumbled to the earth, creating new ranges of mountains and hills. The melee was so grand that whole land about Umath's Camp broke. Fires were extinguished. The Law Rock was smashed to pieces. Yet nobody fought harder than Orlanth and his brothers. The Five Umathsons who survived the fight could claim their Stormfathers' powers, possessions, and places as their own – with Violence! Hospitality was all but abandoned for a long time until Orlanth reinstated the greeting with Quivin of the Deep, the son of Vestkarthen and of Kero Fin, who is the mountain foundation of Sartar's bold tribes and the cumulus where the cloud-blue sheep of free rivers roam. Orlanth revived hospitality with Quivin so that we might ever enjoy all the Seven Gifts of Hospitality. [/quote:41f85f528c]
Vesa linkki 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 18.46
Vesa 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 18.46 linkki Hienoa! Loistavaa! Nyt vain olisi sovitettava tekstit lehden sisältöön, muiden orlanthiartikkelien joukkoon. Sitten vielä tärkein, eli ehtivätkö tekstit valmistua tuohon sovittuun deadlineen mennessä tai suurinpiirtein sen tienoilla?
Garrik linkki 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 23.00
Garrik 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 23.00 linkki Terve Topi, Lueskelin vielä keskeneräistä tekstiä. Ajatuksia: 1. Mielenkiintoista. Haluttaa lukea loputkin. 2. Pointti? Kerrotko tässä vain tämän tarinan/myytin, vai aiotko liittää proosan selkeämmin johonkin kontekstiin? (Toimii toki tarinanakin, ja kaikki tarinat saa kyllä toimimaan esim. pelissä. :)) 3. Kankeaa on kieli siellä täällä. Tokan kappaleen jälkipuolisko ei oikein avautunut mulle. Tekeekö enklantini tepposet - mitä tässä haluat sanoa? 4. Sopii mielestäni lehden orlanthi-artikkelien kanssa samaan pakettiin. -G
Spinosar linkki 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 23.46
Spinosar 28. lokakuuta 2007 kello 23.46 linkki [quote:434ced6742]1. Mielenkiintoista. Haluttaa lukea loputkin. 2. Pointti? Kerrotko tässä vain tämän tarinan/myytin, vai aiotko liittää proosan selkeämmin johonkin kontekstiin? (Toimii toki tarinanakin, ja kaikki tarinat saa kyllä toimimaan esim. pelissä. icon_smile.gif) 3. Kankeaa on kieli siellä täällä. Tokan kappaleen jälkipuolisko ei oikein avautunut mulle. Tekeekö enklantini tepposet - mitä tässä haluat sanoa? 4. Sopii mielestäni lehden orlanthi-artikkelien kanssa samaan pakettiin. [/quote:434ced6742] Pointtinani on kertoa tuttu vieraanvaraisuuden myytti [b:434ced6742]uudelleen ja gregmäisesti[/b:434ced6742]. Tekstin rakenne siis aikoo noudattaa tuttua vieraanvaraisuuden kaavaa. Eli siis Vesilahja, Loimilahja, Lihalahja ja Suolalahja..., paitsi että ajatuksella [i:434ced6742]in illo tempore[/i:434ced6742] eli se ensimmäinen alkuperäinen tilanne.
Spinosar linkki 31. lokakuuta 2007 kello 12.36
Spinosar 31. lokakuuta 2007 kello 12.36 linkki [size=14:7d7cebc46e]Garrik, kiitos kommentoinnista. [/size:7d7cebc46e] Parantelin tekstiä palautteesi pohjalta. [size=10:7d7cebc46e]Omasta mielestäni se vaikuttaa melko hyvältä.[/size:7d7cebc46e] [color=white:7d7cebc46e][b:7d7cebc46e]HELLO![/b:7d7cebc46e][/color:7d7cebc46e] Garrik, Humis, Nysalor, Newsalor tai muut, joilla on englanninkieli suuripiirtein hallussa, silmäisittekö stoorin läpi ja pistäisitte vastaten josko mikään pistää silmään? Myös myyttisisällöllistä kritiikkiä, jos gloranthuus on hallussa, saa esittää... [color=blue:7d7cebc46e] Muutokset 31.10. editoitu suoraan tarinatekstiin ketjun ensimmäisessä viestissä. [/color:7d7cebc46e]
Garrik linkki 31. lokakuuta 2007 kello 13.10
Garrik 31. lokakuuta 2007 kello 13.10 linkki Eriteltyjä kommentteja: [quote:10bae2a106="Eka kappale"]In the old times when the new god Issaries was born, he was born to carry messages between Old Gods.[/quote:10bae2a106] --> Turhaa toistoa, parempi olisi: "In the old times, the new god Issaries was born to carry messages between Old Gods." Tämä on tosin osittain tyyliseikka; tuossa sinun versiossasi on ehkä enemmän suullisen kerrontaperinteen makua. Mutta: tämä tulee olemaan lehdessä painettuna... [quote:10bae2a106="Toka kappale"]Uleria was ripped in ways that she/it had no ripping time in the party, and when it/she was finally finished, the Fertility Blanket had more rip than fabric in it. The world appeared like an old worthless horse.[/quote:10bae2a106] Sanakirjan kanssa ymmärrän tämän paremmin. Silti tämä vaikuttaa kömpelöltä. Pitäisi hankkia äidinkielinen puhuja sanomaan, toimiiko tämä alkuunkaan. Kuinka yleisesti "rip" tarkoittaa "konia", ja kuinka moni natiivi ymmärtää sanan merkityksen muutoksen tässä yhteydessä, kesken virkkeen, ongelmitta? [quote:10bae2a106="Komannen kappaleen loppu"]This way Issaries found the routes where the shreds of the fabric were still connected and strengthened the remaining net with his [u:10bae2a106]income[/u:10bae2a106], communication and trade.[/quote:10bae2a106] "income" tökkii. Tarkoitatko tässä Issariesin olemusta/ideaa, tasapuolista vaihtoa? Voisiko se olla "nature", "essence", "invention" vai ehkä "gift"? [quote:10bae2a106="Neljäs kappale"]One time Issaries learned the way to come in Umath's Camp.[/quote:10bae2a106] Rukkaisin kunnolla: "Once Issaries learned the way into Umath's camp." Voisi olla myös "One day..." "to come in Umath's camp" = "tulla Umathin leirissä", mikä on monitulkintainen tai ainakin hankala ilmaus. ;) [quote:10bae2a106="Kuudes kappale"]Humath felt honor-moven by these words.[/quote:10bae2a106] Olisiko "honor-moved" parempi/oikeampi? Joku tuossa nykyisessä muodossa maistuu vaikealta. [quote:10bae2a106="Kuudes kappale"]the Lord of the place[/quote:10bae2a106] Suom. "paikan herra" toimii, mutta englanniksi tuohon placen tilalle voisi paremmin laittaa vaikka "hall", "house", "camp", tms. Voisi myös pohtia tuota "of"-prepositiota... Toimisiko "in"? Esim. "the Lord in the house" kuulostaa korvaani pontevammalta. Hmmm... Kyllä se "of" toimii myös... [quote:10bae2a106="Vika kappale"]The mule of Issaries was also given a blanket of its own. During the night, under the blanket, it felt like horse again.[/quote:10bae2a106] Alan nähdä tässä jotain myyttisesti kutkuttavaa... "koniksi revitty peite" on muuttunut muuliksi, joka "tuntee olonsa hevoseksi" peitteen alla. Mielenkiintoista nähdä, minkälaisia myyttisiä ja käytännön merkityksiä saat irti tästä syyn ja seurauksen solmusta. :) -G
Spinosar linkki 13. marraskuuta 2007 kello 19.00
Spinosar 13. marraskuuta 2007 kello 19.00 linkki [b:acaecce4a2]NO NIIN![/b:acaecce4a2] Kohti lopullisempaa muotoa on liikuttu. Teknisesti teksti on varmasti edelleen keskeneräinen. Moni sisällöllinen seikka on kuitenkin nähnyt päivänvalon tultuaan ulos suuren tuulen torvesta. [size=14:acaecce4a2][color=red:acaecce4a2]Missäs tällä hetkellä mennään "Deadline"ien suhteen?[/color:acaecce4a2][/size:acaecce4a2] /Topi
Vesa linkki 13. marraskuuta 2007 kello 19.02
Vesa 13. marraskuuta 2007 kello 19.02 linkki Virallinen deadline oli eilen, eli 12.11. Kuitenkin esimerkiksi minun osaltani deadline kusee koska kaverini ei ole vielä ehtinyt kääntää viimeistä tekstiäni. Eli voisin sano että ensi viikon kuluessa mieluiten olisi tekstien oltava siinä muodossa että ne voidaan lähettää oikolukuun.
Garrik linkki 13. marraskuuta 2007 kello 20.38
Garrik 13. marraskuuta 2007 kello 20.38 linkki Topi, Tämähän on upea juttu. :) Tekstiä on sen verran, etten ala käymään sitä läpi foorumin vaivalloisen ediittorin kautta. Kommentoitavaa mulla on lähinnä kielipuolelle. Jos haluat, voin indikoida kommenttini suoraan tekstifileeseen. Lähetä se osoitteeseen: ileskela (at) hotmail (pistehen kaltaanen) com. -G
humis linkki 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 3.17
humis 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 3.17 linkki Nyt kun enemmän koko muotoa on näkyvissä, niin täytyy sanoa että diggaan kybällä (mut se ei taida olla kenellekään mikään ihme). On selvää, että tämä on [b:3d5cc21de0]totta[/b:3d5cc21de0]. Kielessä on korjattavaa sujuvuuden suhteen, mutta siinä saanee tarvittaessa jopa natiiviapua. Erityisesti Vadruksen ja Magastan kohtaaminen on nyt hieman epäselvä, siihen kaipaisin eri lauserakennetta tai muuta keinoa selvittää enemmän miten homma menee.
Korol linkki 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 9.42
Korol 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 9.42 linkki Oi voi, Topi. Saat hiljaisemmankin miehen kommentoimaan. Kuten Humis sanoi, niin tottahan tämä on. Teksti ei ole vielä valmis, mutta kommentoin silti hieman sisältöä. Tai oikeastaan esitän ideoita ja kysymyksiä, joita teksti mieleen nostaa. Kun olet tuon Varoituksen Lahjan tuonne lisännyt niin lahjojen kokonaismäärä nousee kuuteen. Tähän tietysti voisi lisätä vielä päälle seitsemännen (mystisemmän?) lahjan. Näin luku vastaa mukavasti Umathin lasten lukumäärää, ja jokainen heistä voisi olla mukana (vanhimmasta nuorimpaan?) vieraanvaraisuuden keksimisessä. Tuota seitsemättä lahjaa jäin pohtimaan. Antaako Brastalos sen, ja onko se rakkaus vaiko mitä? Vai korjaavatko Orlanth ja Ernalda vasta tämän yhdessä (en nyt pääse käsiksi kirjoihini tarkistamaan asiaa)? Toinen vaihtoehto on se, että Ragnaglar antaa seitsemännen lahjan, mutta tästä johtuen Jagrekriand & co. pääsevät hyökkäämään Umathin leiriin, ja siinä metakassa Umathin harpusta katkeaa kieli. Ja tämän takia seitsemättä lahjaa ei enää anneta. Eniten pidän tuosta loimilahjapätkästä. Edellinen versio loppui sanoihin "During the night, under the blanket, the mule felt like horse again.", mikä oli oikein hyvä ja napakka lopetus. Tämä on mielestäni keskeinen osa tarinaa. Tässä versiossa sanoma jää hieman piiloon. Vaikka tarinan monista viittauksista pidänkin, niin ehkä kuitenkin poistaisin tämän: "The goddess said: ”I am you, sword. Give me little death. Keep me safe.”" Toinen makuasia: Umathista puhuttaessa voisi epiteetit olla joka kerralla erilaiset. Umathin esitellessä itsensä pitkä lista sopisi taas oikein hyvin. Mutta tämä, jos mikä on makuasia, joten ei enempää siitä. Kritiikistä huolimatta erittäin hieno tarina, ja odotan jatkoa kärsimättömänä.
Spinosar linkki 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 11.21
Spinosar 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 11.21 linkki [b:02136891c8]Humis ja Korol[/b:02136891c8], Issaries voi rikkoa kuolemanhiljaisuudenkin. Kiitos kommenteistanne. [quote:02136891c8]Erityisesti Vadruksen ja Magastan kohtaaminen on nyt hieman epäselvä[/quote:02136891c8] [color=blue:02136891c8]-> [/color:02136891c8]Magasta mainitaan nyt vain kerran. Vadrus kohtaa Syvyyksien Sinisen Pedon.(kts teksti) [color=red:02136891c8]selkiytyykö?[/color:02136891c8] Sidostin tektiä lisäämällä Magastalle, "the Robber Sea"-tittelin. :-? "During the night, under the blanket, the mule felt like horse again." [color=blue:02136891c8]-> [/color:02136891c8] siirtyy kappalen loppuun. (kts. teksti) Umathin arvonimet luovat toistoa ja muuttumattomuutta, joka uskoakseni on tässsä yhteydessä arvokasta. Hienovaraista kasvumuuntelua kuritaan epiteetteihin juiluttamaan. [u:02136891c8]"The Story of Hospitality"[/u:02136891c8] kertoo neljä päälinjaa, joiden myötä vieraanvaraisuus virittyi nykytilaan. Me tunnemme jo entuudestaan kaksi "The Hospitality Story"-myyttiä: [b:02136891c8]Umath[/b:02136891c8] itse määrittää Vestkarthenin Syvyyden kanssa viraanvaraisuuden pohjiaan myöten. [b:02136891c8]Orlanth[/b:02136891c8] vie vieraanvaraisuusasiat Quivinin Syvyyden kanssa vieraanvaraisuuden yläpuolelle. Seitsemäs vieraanvaraisuuden suunta on olemassa. Sen tiedät sinä.[/quote]
Vesa linkki 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 11.29
Vesa 14. marraskuuta 2007 kello 11.29 linkki Man, this is deep! Syvällistä pohdintaa itse tekstissä sekä palautteessa humikselta ja Korolilta. Tämä on loistava lisä muun orlanthimatskun joukkoon. Ja tosiaan naativeista meillä on kieliongelmien kanssa auttamassa Simon Phipp sekä Alison Place. Valmista tekstiä voit laittaa minulle sähköpostiin vesa_zin-letters(a)hotmail piste com. Garrikin kautta se myös löytää tiensä minulle ja sieltä oikoluettavaksi.
humis linkki 15. marraskuuta 2007 kello 0.34
humis 15. marraskuuta 2007 kello 0.34 linkki Selvempää on. Diggaan myös muuli-kappaleen uudelleenjärjestyksestä. Ja itse pidin alkuperäisessä juuri siitä että Umathin tittelit pysyivät samoina. Se tuo järjestystä ja mahtavuutta. Tarina pyörii sen takia vahvasti Umathin ympärillä, vaikka Umath esiintyykin muuten vain sivulauseissa.
Garrik linkki 15. marraskuuta 2007 kello 9.50
Garrik 15. marraskuuta 2007 kello 9.50 linkki Umathin titteleiden samana pysyminen on olennaista. [quote:d9f456ab97]The Fertility Blanket had more rip than fabric in it - and the way Issaries saw it - the new world appeared like a Gods Wall that was an old worthless horse.[/quote:d9f456ab97] OK. Tämä suorastaan tihkuu myyttisiä alluusioita. ;) Greg kävi puhumassa, ja se näkyy. Mutta näkyykö myös niille, jotka eivät kuulleet Gregin puhuvan? Kritiikistäni viis, tämä on tähän mennessä [b:d9f456ab97]gloranthalaisin[/b:d9f456ab97] suomalaisen kynästä syntynyt juttu, jonka olen lukenut. :) -G
newsalor linkki 19. marraskuuta 2007 kello 8.18
newsalor 19. marraskuuta 2007 kello 8.18 linkki Paitti, että Gods Wall on darahappalaisesta mytologiasta ja Issaries heorttilaisesta. Rock on!
Garrik linkki 19. marraskuuta 2007 kello 12.23
Garrik 19. marraskuuta 2007 kello 12.23 linkki Heorttilainenkin mytologia kyllä tuntee kuvainnollisen käsitteen "Gods Wall"... Umathin ja Asrelian myytissä. Ei tässä sen kummempaa kuin että tuo Jumalten Muurin/Seinämän ja vanhan luuskan rinnastus on mielestäni kaikkein hankalimmin avautuva osa koko tekstistä. Merkitys karkasi minulta, ja karkailee edelleen, vaikka Topin kanssa ollaan asiasta juteltu. Katsotaanpas... Onko idea siis se, että Hedelmällisyyden Huopa muistuttaa Vanhojen Jumalten seinämää, heidän yhteistä, muuttumatonta rintamaansa, joka on nyt rispaantunut ja murtunut, kaikkensa antanut, niinkuin loppuun asti ajettu luuska? Hedelmällisyyden Huopa, joka pyrki levittäytymään koko maailman ylle, on siis enää takkukarvainen mytty. Mutta tässäkin mytyssä, luuskassa, on sen alkuperäinen, pyhä, hyväntahtoinen tarkoitus jäljellä. Tasapuolisen vaihdon riimun haltijana Issaries ei pelkästään pistä luuskaa hommiin, vaan tarjoaa Jumalattarelle suojaa ja auttaa tätä ikuisessa tehtävässä. Muuli ei ole vain Issariesin palvelija, vaan Issaries on yhtä paljon muulinsa, Jumalattaren, palvelija. Heidän tehtävänsä on yhteinen. Kun tämä muuli, joka on Jumalatar, Hedelmällisyyden Huopa, saa Humathilta loimen, yksi ympyrä Jumalattaren ja Issariesn yhteistyön ympyrä sulkeutuu: itse Kuolema tarjoaa vieraanvaraisuuttaa Hedelmällisyydelle. Ja enemmänkin: pientä kuolemaa. Rispaantuneisuudestaan ja rujoudestaan huolimatta Hedelmällisyys on kaikialla läsnäoleva voima. Ja Vanhat Jumalat ovat edelleen läsnä, pienissä ja ehkä huomaamattomissakin asioissa. Jaa-a, kun sen itselleen auki kirjoittaa, se tuntuu ihan hyvältä... Kiitos tästä. :) -G
newsalor linkki 19. marraskuuta 2007 kello 13.51
newsalor 19. marraskuuta 2007 kello 13.51 linkki Kieltämättä. Olihan Orlanthillakin suuri muurinsa.
Spinosar linkki 3. joulukuuta 2007 kello 13.51
Spinosar 3. joulukuuta 2007 kello 13.51 linkki ...Ja eräänä, ei kovin ihmeellisenä päivänä, se kirjoitettiin valmiiksi... Issaries innoitti sanani. Sanainen arkkuni sopersi. Kertoi Vieraanvaraisuuden tarinan. -Topi
Vesa linkki 3. joulukuuta 2007 kello 15.07
Vesa 3. joulukuuta 2007 kello 15.07 linkki Spinosar tyrkkääpä valmis teksti maililla osoitteeseen vesa_zin-letters(at) niin lähetän sen edelleen oikolukuun.
Spinosar linkki 4. joulukuuta 2007 kello 12.11
Spinosar 4. joulukuuta 2007 kello 12.11 linkki Hep, Vesa Lykkäsin äsken myytin yllämainittuun hotmail-osoitteeseen kuten toivoit.
humis linkki 4. joulukuuta 2007 kello 12.52
humis 4. joulukuuta 2007 kello 12.52 linkki Valmishan tämä on. Vielä pari kielellistä kommenttia, kuitenkin: [quote:be329aa84b="Spinosar"] One night the Sea River of Below rose up all over Umath's Camp, so that the Great Storm himself was inundated. Like rash lightning, Vadrus rushed from his stygian watch station to confront the murky seas. He halted the rising Blue Beast of the Deep. Vadrus stirred the waters of the Dragon's Deep Well so fast with his storms that the gods of the sea streamed into one swirling pool of water. Vadrus rose above the terrifying ocean. He hollered his challenge: ”Oh, Robber Sea King, if you come as a foe this is the End of the World, for I am the Destroyer. You should aid me, not hinder me.” The dark Thunderer roared over the maelstrom: ”You will learn some time to respect me properly. Bring your worst, and suffer once again, for I will offer you your own guts, Water” The Seas know no fear. Magasta accepted the offer. Retroacting the brooding storms gave off the Original Downpour of Rain. The rain fell hard. The more the waters rose in the middle air, the more water rained down. The higher the waters rose, the harder it rained. It was like the Heavens had filled with tears. The Ocean Without Return still sucks in the Rivers of the Tears. [/quote:be329aa84b] Eksyn yhä tässä kohdassa. Mikä lause on osoitettu merijumalille, mikä syvyyden vesilohikäärmeelle? Kuka toimii milloinkin, kenen kanssa ja ketä vastaan? [quote:be329aa84b="Spinosar"] What happened in the old times is told in the story of 'Uleria and the Boggles'. The Old World ended. The gods, both Old and New were bungled. The world was torn asunder and broken into separate parts. The fabric of Uleria was ripped in pieces. Umath was denied his Love. In terrible anger he nearly broke the world. Finally both Uleria and the ravages by the cosmic incidents were finished. The way Everything unfolded had changed. The Fertility Blanket had more tears in it than threads. Issaries saw through it: The cosmic rip of a once perfect fabric seemed like a Gods' Wall that was an old worthless horse. [/quote:be329aa84b] Diggasin tästä pätkästä enemmän jonain aikaisempana versiona. Miten olisi: What happened in the old times is told in the story of 'Uleria and the Boggles'. The Old World ended. The gods, both Old and New were bungled. The world was torn asunder and Uleria, the fabric of the cosmos was ripped to pieces. Umath was denied his Love. In terrible anger he nearly broke the world. Finally both Uleria and the cosmic ravages had exhausted themselves. The way Everything unfolded had changed. Issaries looked through the Fertility Blanket, which now had more rip in it than fabric, and to him, the glorious Gods' Wall of yore seemed now more like an old worthless horse. Issaries took this broken horse, in doing so creating something from nothing, and renamed her a mule.
Spinosar linkki 5. joulukuuta 2007 kello 14.37
Spinosar 5. joulukuuta 2007 kello 14.37 linkki Humis, vesipedon myytit ja muodot ovat moninaiset. Tämän osan tarinaa kiinnekohdat ovat valuvia. [size=10:94d381c181] Great Storm - on Umath sekä Vadrus sekä Umathin Synty (ja yleisesti Orlanth?) Sea River of Below, Blue Beast of the Deep, Dragon's Deep Well - saman eri muotoja Vadrus kuitenkin kohtaa Magastan, joka on vesien ja merien alku ja loppu, ja siinä touhussa ei Daliathin lätäköllä ole suurtakaan sijaa. (= kaiken järjen ylittävää sekä alittavaa menoa). Tämä myytti luo myrskyheimon näkökulmaa Suuren Sateen synnystä, joka muualla tunnetaan Lorionin ja Shargashin tömäyksenä, ja on eräs Helerin alkumuotojen todellisia syntytarinoita. Stoori linkkaa myös vahvasti THe First River ja How Creak Stream River Was Made - mytologioiden suuntaan, sekä viitteellisemmin Umatin ja Jagregriandin mittelöihin.[/size:94d381c181] [quote:94d381c181] One night the Sea River of Below rose up all over Umath's Camp, so that the Great Storm himself was inundated. All the world turned turtle. Like a rash lightning Violent Vadrus rushed from his stygian watch station to confront the murky seas. He halted the Blue Beast of the Deep which kept changing in form as it aspired. Vadrus made it turn. His storms stirred the waters of the Dragon's Deep Well so fast that the gods of the sea streamed into one swirling pool of water. Vadrus rose above the terrifying ocean. He hollered his challenge: ”Oh, Robber Sea King, if you come as a foe this is the End of the World, for I am the Destroyer. You should aid me, not hinder me.” The dark Thunderer roared over the maelstrom: ”You will learn some time to respect me properly. Bring your worst, and suffer once again, for I will offer you your own guts, Water” The Seas know no fear. Magasta accepted the Offer of Vadrus. Retroacting the brooding storms gave off the Original Downpour of Rain. The rain fell hard. The more the waters rose in the middle air, the more water rained down. The higher the waters had risen, the harder it rained. The weather was charged with vehemence. It was like the Heavens had filled with tears. Still today the Ocean Without Return sucks in the Rivers of the Tears. [/quote:94d381c181] Ehkäpä Loimilahjassa pitäisi lukea näin. [size=10:94d381c181](Tämä on tärkeä kappale. Toimiiko tää muotoilu sulle paremmin Humis?)[/size:94d381c181] [quote:94d381c181] What happened in the old times is told in the story of 'Uleria and the Boggles'. The Old World ended. The gods, both Old and New were bungled. The world was torn asunder and broken into separate parts. The fabric of Uleria was ripped to pieces. Umath was denied his Love. In terrible anger he nearly Ended Everything. When it all finished both Uleria and the cosmic ravages had exhausted themselves. The way the Cosmos unfolded had changed. The beautiful and once perfect Fertility Blanket had more rip in it than fabric, more tears than threads - and Issaries saw through the mere net that remained - it was like the Gods' Wall sublime was an old worthless horse. [/quote:94d381c181] [size=10:94d381c181] Se miten sinä kerroit sen Humis ei ollut väärin tai edes huonosti, mutta joillain näillä sanoilla yritän sanoa enemmän samalla ja huitoa seitsemään suuntaan. Esim. TEAR -sanan käyttö sidostaa silkinohuin seitein tämän Loimilahjan tarinan Suuren Sateen syntyyn Vesilahjan tarinassa. Kyse on samoista kyynelistä ja vedenjakajista - vaikka kilpikonna siinä kääntyy selälleen. SEE THROUGH - pitää sisällään merkityksiä, joita TO LOOK THROUGH ei. Jne. yms. Enkä mä tiedä niitä "Aivan Oikeita" sanoja. Issaries ne tietää. [/size:94d381c181] [quote:94d381c181] Issaries took this broken horse, in doing so creating something from nothing, and renamed her a mule. [/quote:94d381c181] No tässä sentään selkeä rakenteellinen ero, eikä vaikeasti ilmaistavissa oleva asia. Pitäytyisin vanhassa mallissa . [size=10:94d381c181] "Issaries loi muulin lainaamalla ystäviltään kaksi eläintä: hevosen ja aasin. Risteyttämällä aasin ja hevosen Issaries teki jotain ei mistään ja synnytti Muulin."[/size:94d381c181] Haluan säilyttää synteettisen rakenteen. Issaries ottaa kaksi asiaa ja yhdistää ne. Loimilahjan tarinassa neovat "vanha luuska" ja "nyhjää tyhjästä".
humis linkki 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 10.40
humis 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 10.40 linkki Joo. Luin nyt uudestaan tuon viime version vesilahjasta unohtaen kaiken aikaisemmista versioista kaivamani väärät merkitykset ja sekaannusta aiheuttaneet selitykset, ja se avautui. Samoin loimilahja toimii nyt sekä korvalle että mielelle.
Spinosar linkki 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 12.12
Spinosar 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 12.12 linkki Humis, Kiitos kielellisestä kritiikistäsi, se potki minuun tähän päivään asti jatkuneen puuskittaisen ylimääräisen tahtotilan. Myytti on nyt auottu ja hiottu lopulliseen (natiivikielenpuhujan oikoluettavaksi lähetettävään) muotoonsa. [color=blue:3bc9fe79f8][size=16:3bc9fe79f8] 6.12. ITSEPÄISYYSPÄIVÄ: HAIL HARSHAX[/color:3bc9fe79f8][/size:3bc9fe79f8] [b:3bc9fe79f8] Ugh, Issaries on puhunut, Kuusisuunnat piti Kolat pyhänä, En-tuuli puhaltaa, Hau![/b:3bc9fe79f8]
Spinosar linkki 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 15.07
Spinosar 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 15.07 linkki [b:0132772fa9]Retrospektiivi; [/b:0132772fa9] eli näin jälkikäteen tarkasteltuna myytin kauttavaltainen läpikäyminen on auttanut minua sisäistämään olennaisen. [quote:0132772fa9] [b:0132772fa9]NELJÄN LAUSEEN SUOMENNETTU MYYTTIPUSSIVERSIO MYRSKYN VIERAANVARAISUUDESTA:[/b:0132772fa9] (UMATH TUUMAA: "Turpoon pittäes vettee.") Kolat: "NYT TULEE TURPAAN!" Vadrus: "HALUUTKO TURPAAS!" Humath: "TURPA KIINNI, MUULI HERÄÄ." Urox ja [i:0132772fa9]muut[/i:0132772fa9]: "HUI HERJAT HEI HURJAT, MENNÄÄKS PANEE VAI PANNAAKS MENEE!" [/quote:0132772fa9] [b:0132772fa9]-Topi[/b:0132772fa9]
humis linkki 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 15.26
humis 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 15.26 linkki Nauroin ääneen, ja kaverit oli vihasia kun en pystyny mitenkään avaa niille mikä niin nauratti. (Tää kyl kruunais englanniksikin ton artikkelin jonain pikkupränttinä ylevän kerronnan perässä)
Korol linkki 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 21.04
Korol 6. joulukuuta 2007 kello 21.04 linkki Silläkin uhalla, että Vadrus lähtee hippasille... [i:0a2f428feb]Strangers were greeted with terrible thunder.[/i:0a2f428feb] 'Greeted' oli 'hailed' aikasemmassa versiossa. Pidin siitä paljon, ja pitäisin vieläkin. Nyt pidän myös noista Umathin nimilistoista. Udrit ja Karit tuo sinne todellakin lisäpotkua!
newsalor linkki 7. joulukuuta 2007 kello 18.11
newsalor 7. joulukuuta 2007 kello 18.11 linkki Sama täällä. Repesin täysin. Hail Harshax!
Spinosar linkki 11. joulukuuta 2007 kello 11.55
Spinosar 11. joulukuuta 2007 kello 11.55 linkki Korol, se "Hailed" oli eri kohdassa. Olen kuitenkin kanssasi samaa mieltä. Vaihdetaan "Greeted" siihen. Ihan viimeisen version lähetän Vesalle nyt aivan kohta. Tarina oli Gloranthaa avaava kokemus. //T
Korol linkki 23. joulukuuta 2007 kello 9.27
Korol 23. joulukuuta 2007 kello 9.27 linkki Vielä kerran tänne asiaa, En aluks lämmennyt tolle idealle, et laittais ton myyttipussiversion tonne loppuun, mut sitten aivot loksahti paikoilleen. Mitä jos sen tekis Issarieksen tyyliin riimuilla? Sillon ei hyppäis ihan heti silmille, mut tekstin sais sieltä kuitenkin selvittämällä auki.
Spinosar linkki 27. tammikuuta 2008 kello 13.17
Spinosar 27. tammikuuta 2008 kello 13.17 linkki [b:ea77e85568]Allison silotteli tekstiäni.[/b:ea77e85568] Siitä sain huomata, että Vesilahjan myytissä oli vielä hiomisen varaa. Vetehistä Vadrus-tarinaa onkin muokattu hieman oikolukua laajemalti. KOROL: Ei pöllömpi idea tuo taannoin lähettämäsi "riimutekstityylittely". :) Mielestäni tämä kuuluu päätoimittajan ja taittajan tahdon-, päätös- ja ehdonvallan piiriin, jos he haluavat sellaisia toteuttaa. Itse teksti sliipattaisiin vain mahdollisimman tiiviiksi. //Topi
Spinosar linkki 6. joulukuuta 2009 kello 20.11
Spinosar 6. joulukuuta 2009 kello 20.11 linkki Mystistä poijjaat. Päiväälleen kaksi vuotta! Vieraanvaraisuus on tässä. Kiitän kuuden suunnan vartijoita, jotka antoivat ajan tarinalle. [color=blue:617ead1663]VESILAHJAN TARINA ON UUDISTETTU JA HELEVETIN HIENO.[/color:617ead1663] PS. Sitä kielenhuolto-tyyppiä pitäisi muistaa mainita, jos ja kun nämä Zin Letterssissä julkaistaan. Ja Gregin tarinoille nämä ovat velkaa kaiken. Kiitos Ilkka, Eetu, muut. [quote:617ead1663] THE STORY OF HOSPITALITY [b:617ead1663]The gift of warning.[/b:617ead1663] Kolat made the very first hospitality. Umath's Camp was a special place - and it was above all - a place that was only allowed for Umath, the lord of the Mountain, Champion of the gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice and Umath's Ring of Eternal Storms. It was a secret place no one could enter uninvited. Ratslaff's whiffs however unclothed it. Thereafter, even though they killed the fart-bloated fool, odd strangers were seen there around the camp perimeter. It was nothing the Primal Storm wanted Umath enjoined Kolat, his secret breath, to organize his Six Stormsons to guard the Six Directions. The old Umbrol set up a watch station in each direction and Spike to the center. Thus was Umath's Camp defended. Kolat told the Stormsons that approaching strangers were to be halted. If they did not depart willingly, they were to be driven away or killed. If one of the guardians should fail, the other brothers were to come to his rescue. So they did. Strangers were hailed with terrible thunder. If they did not leave, the primal winds gathered – fully armed and whooping – and met the intruders with Unbounded Violence. Uncle Kolat, who remembered how once Great Umath had said to the Evil Emperor, ”Generosity is a virtue, not greed,” encouraged the Stormsons of Umath in the name of Freedom to offer some fair intimation of the unsurpassable bloodshed the brothers would resort to. So they did. This was the first hospitality, and so it still remains. To issue a threat before attacking is an act of generosity, even more so if we warn strangers. [b:617ead1663]The gift of water.[/b:617ead1663] [color=blue:617ead1663] The “watergift” exists because of what Vadrus did. The Stormsons of Umath guarded the Six Directions. Vadrus was sent to guard Below. When Umath's Birth breathed the world, Vadrus went rumbling with him to the center with his unruly brothers, where Udr Umath, the lord of the Mountain, Champion of the gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice set Umath's Camp. The Old Umbrol placed the block of Law Rock called Acos in the center, lit the sacred fires, and named its guardians. Vadrus was born with the first thought of Umath: ”Violence is always an option!”. Vadrus was terrifying and horrible like Great Umath himself. There was so much fighting happening around the guardpost of Vadrus that the place was called The Fighting Pit. Vadrus did not bother too much with warning the strangers. Usually the Beings that came near the Vadrukormaran had been warned already. Then one dark day The Deep End came. It rose from the Sea. Vadrus woke up when his ankles were soaking with the water of River Styx. He had a bad feeling. So he lit Aether, the torch, to see his strange enemy, and immediately regretted that he did. The face of Terror was seen. It was huge, and looked like a krasthkid going to eat you – only worse. All Beings fled in the face of the face. The disappearing gods left a vacuum where the waters of the Deep End entered. Thus began the Terror Flood. Vadrus never backed away from a fight – not ever ever. But Vadrus was also scared shitless. So Vadrus decided to threaten the Deep End before bloody violence. Vadrus stepped on the top of a turtle, and like an ignifluous lightning, hard Vadrus rushed from his stygian antipode guardpost to confront the murky seas. With all his airy might Vadrus halted the intruding Oceans, which kept changing in form as they rose higher and reached for the stars. His storms stirred the waters of the Deep End so fast that the myriad seagods streamed into one swirling geyser of water. The whole Glorantha turned turtle. The Earth moaned and Sky groaned. Terror was widespread everywhere. The Deep End was on the move. Oceans flooded. Umath's Camp, the Sky, everything got inundated. Vadrus moved within the Terror Ocean. His thunder roared over the maelstrom, where the waters revolved around their fount of origin. He shouted out his challenge: ”Oh. Robber Sea King, if you come as a foe, this is the End of the World, for I am the Destroyer. Terror, you should aid me, not hinder me. You will learn some time to respect me properly. Bring your worst, and suffer once again, for I promise to offer you your own guts, Water!” Vadrus was nearly drowned. The Deep End had accepted the offer of Vadrus. It did not fear suffering. It gave Vadrus hell. Vadrus was repetedly hit against the bottom like some fisherman on a boat right under the Sky Fall Storm. “Bloody hell”, furious Vadrus cried. Vadrus reached a Blood Red Rock. It was a rock that his father Umath had once stumbled upon, and had hurt himself pretty bad. Vadrus exhaled. The rock in his hands Vadrus beat the waves. With the cosmic and cataclysmic splashes, the Great Rain was created. All the water that rose in the middle air rained down. The weather was loaded with vehemence. But when the rain reached the earth the battle was decided. Vadrus armed himself with mountains to break the back of the enemy. The bloody guts of the Deep End colored the Heaven itself. And up in the Sky above the Sky Fall Storm there are tears that Vadrus made. Vadrus had succesfully defended Umath's Camp. This Battle of Vadrus and the Deep End was also called the God's War. This happenned in a World when it was still quite new and full of Life. So mostly good things came out of it. You can still see the big bruises from the fight. Creek-Stream-River, the first river made is such and so is Blue Sky and so is every drop of Rain. In this way Vadrus was the first to gift someone with water. He actually delivered the Deep End back its own blood and guts. That is ultimately why our rivers still run free. The Umath's Camp was reset, the Law Rock was replaced, the sacred fires re-lit. Then the six guardians were renamed and they were instructed them to offer strangers water, to show Umath's Camp's willingness to share the spoils. Thus Chief Umath created new ring. The new thing was: fighting need only ensue if the approaching strangers provoked the fight. It appeared that often strangers favored getting along, rather than being maimed. The gift of water soon became a most common thing, much to the befuddlement and dismay of Vadrus. This elementary hospitality was well-received by a great number of strangers even some regulars of the Fighting Pit. The only exceptions were the men of the Emperor. The Fire Tribe men thought that the gift of water was intended as an insult to them. This has always led to strife, which kept the ever-mean terrible Vadrus well pleased and profoundly pissed in his guardpost below. Who knows? Can God's War ignite again? Meanwhile, let's enjoy the gift of water, and the blessing of the rain. [/color:617ead1663] [b:617ead1663]The gift of the blanket.[/b:617ead1663] Hospitality was secretly carried over to Umath's Camp. In the old times a new godling, Issaries Lifebringer, was born to carry messages between the Old Gods. Back then there was only one message to be carried. The world was wrapped in Uleria's blanket and the message was Love. Auld Umath, however, was offended by Love. There were only two laws he upheld or recognized: one was violence, and the other was that no one could make him do anything. He led the fight for Freedom: the old world had none. What happened in the struggle of old times is told in the story:”Uleria and the Boggles.” The old world ended. The gods, both Old and New, were boggled. The worlds were torn asunder and broken apart. Uleria's Linens were ripped to pieces. Umath was denied his Destiny. In terrible anger he nearly Ended Everything; he was real hurt. When all-she-it finished, both the Old Gods and the cosmic ravages had exhausted themselves. The way the cosmos unfolded had changed. The beautiful and once perfect Fertility Blanket had more rip in it than fabric, more tears than threads. Issaries saw through the mere net that spread over the creation - it was like the Gods' Wall sublime was an old worthless horse. Issaries took this broken horse, to make something from nothing, he renamed her mule. Is told the goddess, "Eat less, work more, grow older." Then he set himself again to his task. Silver-tongue circulated into the reborn world to carry the messages amid the gods. Before, when the fabric of the world had been whole, it had been easy to carry anything from anywhere to anyone. But the new world required Issaries to find ways and paths to get his carriage to the gods and people. The mule helped. This way Issaries found the routes where the shreds of the fabric were still connected and he strengthened what remained of its weave with every come in and coming out. One day Issaries made his way to Umath's Camp. He was halted at sword-point by Humath. Issaries spoke: ”Greetings, guardian! I come as a friend.” He shouted out his name:”I am Issaries In-Between, the Talking God, the Silver-footed Goodvoice, the son of Change and Harmony.” Issaries was taciturnly given water. But Issaries spoke again: ”I accept this gift with gratitude, for I am your friend, and here is why: I will not rob you, I will not bear arms, and I will ever speak of your generosity.” His words had the power to move Humath, for to him true Honor was as air was to other Storm deities. With the authorization of Dar Umath, the lord of the Mountain, Champion of gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice, Humath honored the visiting Issaries with new hospitality. Humath gave Issaries a blanket to sleep under. This included the right to sleep in Umath's Tent. This thing Humath would offer only to a friend, or to someone he would have as a friend. Solemnly and without words the Sword God gave the mule of Issaries its own blanket as well. The goddess whispered Hu: ”I am you, sword. Give me little death. Keep me safe.” During the night, under the blanket, the mule felt like a horse again. Issaries kept his end of bargain. Wherever he went, he spoke of this generosity. He taught people the sacred words he had spoken and how they were to be uttered without false intent. Slowly, the gift of the blanket became common. Strangers who came to Umath's Camp started to behave like good guests. They issued the greeting and there was less cause for manhandling them. All good folks do the greeting, and only some sundry obtuse strangers really want to be roughed up. [b:617ead1663]The gift of meat.[/b:617ead1663] Many visitors came to Umath, his Stormsons and their kin in Umath's Camp. When they drew near, the guardians halted them. The officers of the camp greeted them. If the Sacred Words were then justly spoken, King Umath welcomed them. The Hospitality Rites led the storms to discover that other beings existed who liked to meet them. The Storm Gods joined several goddesses in this way and their children were born. Umath, King Storm, became the founder of a tribe of gods. In his many battles, the Leader of Battles, Kar Umath, the Lord of the Mountain, Champion of gods, Slayer of the Howling Void and Liberator of Justice, finally suffered too many wounds. When it was clear that he could no longer lead the gods in the Struggle for Freedom, he passed the ring of leadership to his Six Stormsons. Everyone who was a kinsman or of like importance was invited to take part in the ceremony. Umath's Camp prepared a great feast. Everybody gathered inside Umath's Hall for the feast. The uncles of the Stormsons had prepared seats of honor for these five sons: Urox Beast-wind, Vadrus Wild-wind, Humath Stiff-wind and the youngest Orlanth All-wind; also Kolat the Wind Father sat with them. Everybody who came contributed something to the feast. Urox weighed the most and was the eldest of the five sons. It was his honor to afford the abundant guests with a sumptuous meal. To all the storm gods and all the people of the storm tribes and to all the other important invited guests, he gave meat. Urox bellowed: ”You are welcome here. We, the Ring of Brothers, offer you hospitality here, in Umath's Camp, and I promise my great protection to you and yours while inside. Let us great brothers be your hosts tonight and offer you more. I offer you Karni, from my little brother Orlanth, to quench your thirst with Divine Mead. We offer you a blanket to sleep under by a warm fire. Vadrus provides us with plenty of fish and females, and Humath has brought haggis, and sharp knives to eat with. These are things we offer only to friends. We would have you all as friends tonight. And, finally, I, Urox the Beast of Passion, offer you more: meat, to fill your belly. Hear me, you goddesses! This is a thing we offer only to kinsmen or those we would have as close to us as kin. This is Eternal Feast!” On the first day, the company was good. The mead came from Minlister. The meat came from Bosom of Uralda and from milky Mikyh the Mover of Heavens, the mother of Urox. And a whole lot of goddesses came. All the meat was eaten. Every belly was well-filled. All the mead was drunk. And all the fertile goddesses got pregnant. The superior guests left early, like the old uncles Green Genert, Kalt the Renewing God, Sea Giant Magasta, and Deloradella and Dehore the Darkness Keepers, plus some others who were less significant. The second day, some parties became a burden, as when Stormbull quarreled about the North Wind with Vadrus and Humath, and his followers then ate all the vegetation on earth to prove how powerful they were; or when the noises from the Sex Pit kept everyone awake, which infuriated some and made other people mad; and as when hungry Vadrus slaughtered all the Emperor's Gazelles, which had been stolen in a raid. He offered the flesh to be eaten, but when he ate his gift of meat, it tasted terrible, and everyone who ate it was sorry they did. Sensible guests left then, like Urangu the Staunch, Orv Entil Somersault, Lhankor Knowing, Chalana the Calm, the Band of Donandar and Issaries Slip-between, who said: "No one can be so welcome a guest that he will not annoy his host after three days." Young Orlanth concurred, ”Each guest hates the others, and the host hates them all.” The third day, the guests who remained were like pests. Bloated duke Ratslaff fell victim to a fecal flood from something inedible that he had eaten; it could not be digested. Eurmal's ghastly laughter unnerved everyone. Humath escorted the creep away to the Darkest Underworld. Meanwhile Horny Urox gored the fire god Vestkarthen, also known as the Goat, who was making Harshax of himself with Kero Fin, the beloved Mountain Mother of Orlanth. Whereupon Iphara, the murderous daughter of Vadrus, commented, ”Fish and guests smell at three days old.” And then, Big Fighting! broke loose. Urox was foremost in this fight. The Great Goat, Mallia and Thed left together. Fralar the Carnivore God began eating guests. Humakt came back. Grandfather Mortal was first to die. Umath's Camp was destroyed. The sky gods, led by Black Jagrekriand, violated the Rites of Hospitality. Flamewariors arrived and attacked. Fireslingers burned Umath's Hall down. Ashes rained from the Blackened Sky. Hurricanes of Fear and Death were released. Umath's Age ended with the furious destruction. Bodies of dead gods tumbled to the earth, creating new ranges of mountains and hills. The melee was so grand that whole land about Umath's Camp broke. Fires were extinguished. The Law Rock was smashed to pieces. Yet nobody fought harder than Orlanth and his brothers. The Five Umathsons who survived the fight could claim their Stormfathers' powers, possessions, and places as their own – with Violence! Hospitality was all but abandoned for a long time until Orlanth reinstated the greeting with Quivin of the Deep, the son of Vestkarthen and of Kero Fin, who is the mountain foundation of Sartar's bold tribes and the cumulus where the cloud-blue sheep of our free rivers roam. You know the sacred paths. You will know what to do. We are the hospitality of our camp. Orlanth revived hospitality with Quivin so that we all might ever enjoy all the Seven Gifts of Hospitality. [/quote:617ead1663]