Vanha foorumi


Talos One-Eye

Zin Letters -tekijäfoorumi
Vesa 7. lokakuuta 2007 kello 11.49
Kirjoittaja Viesti
Vesa linkki 7. lokakuuta 2007 kello 11.49
Vesa 7. lokakuuta 2007 kello 11.49 linkki Tässä taannoin huomasin että tällainen teksti uupuu täysin vaikka joskus alkuaikoina menin moista lupaamaan. Nyt siis väsäsin suoraan englanniksi lyhyen taustamateriaalin koskemaan tuota agimoriartikkeleissa esiintyvää agimoritutkija Talos Yksisilmää. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b:5b4916e43f]Talos One-Eye[/b:5b4916e43f] Talos One-Eye is renowned agimori-expert living in the city of Pavis. He is held in a high position among the priests and priestesses in the Temple of Knowledge of Pavis. Talos One-Eye is half-blooded agimori and the story tells that his mother was an agimori. The father of Talos was a priest from the Temple of Knowledge, Montay Gohler. It is quite clear that Montay Gohler fell in love with an agimori woman, no-one really knows when or where this happened, but about thirty-seven years ago there was this baby boy left in front of the temple. Montay Gohler knew immediatelly that it was his boy. The boy had dark skin, not as dark as the agimori have. It seems that the boy was abandoned by the agimori as he was only half-blooded agimori and maybe the mother of the child got her reputation back among her tribe when not accepting the half-blooded child. Gohler grew the boy to become a follower of a Lhankor Mhy. The boy was named as Talos and he grew among the priests and priestess. When Talos was old enough to become a novice of Lhankor Mhy he showed his intrests towards the agimori. Talos begun to seek any information available about the agimori but wasn't satisfied as there weren't much written about the agimori of the Prax and the Wasteland. He then decided that he must seek more information about the people of his mother. Talos backed his bag and went to the wastes of Prax to seek the agimori there. The journey to the wastes wasn't easy one and it was even harder to find the agimori. Talos lost his eye in one of his journeys to the wastes and got a nickname One-Eye. The accident happened when he encountered a drunken bison rider in one oasis. Finally Talos One-Eye found an agimori family and met the head of this family, a hunter called Vuai. It took a while for Talos to get in good terms with the family of Vuai. But Vuai saw that Talos had strong connections to the agimori even that he was only half-blooded agimori. Because of his backround, it was much easier for him to be accepted by Vuai and his family. There is no information that the agimori have accepted any non-agimori to join them. Talos begun to travel with the family of Vuai through the plains of Prax and the Wasteland, collecting all the information about the agimori he could. Vuai and Talos became very good friends and they sealed their friendship with the ancient oaths that agimori swore. When agimori swore an oath of a friendship to any outsider, this friendship will last forever and the agimori are allowed to share their sacred myths to that outsider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toivottavasti ei ihan onnettomalla englannin kielellä ole väännetty. Räikeät kielioppivirheet saa korjata ja pitääkin korjata sekä muutenkin olisi hyvä saada kommenttia vastaan asiavirheistä yms. Korjausehdotuksia myös kehiin.