Vanha foorumi


Eastern Far Place People

Zin Letters -tekijäfoorumi
Garrik 4. syyskuuta 2007 kello 13.34
Kirjoittaja Viesti
Garrik linkki 4. syyskuuta 2007 kello 13.34
Garrik 4. syyskuuta 2007 kello 13.34 linkki Johdanto yksittäisille heimo- ja klaanikuvauksille. Tätä on paljon, eikä lehteen enää ehkä mahdu paljon. Mutta kirjoitan itselleni. Parhaat palat voi noukkia lehteen - vaikka Gazetteerin somisteeksi. :) Tulossa siis vielä lyhyet artikkelit: Amad Tribe, Bachad Tribe, Tres Tribe, Sarading Clan (Maasalama), Brynheort Clan (Brynavading Tradition & Ordayla's Cult), ja mahdollisesti vielä jotakin ja löylyjä... [Edit: Lisäsin "Internal Friction" osuuden ja rukkasin vähän järjestystä.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b:a2b0216b2a][size=18:a2b0216b2a]Eastern Far Place People[/size:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] [i:a2b0216b2a]Ilkka Leskelä[/i:a2b0216b2a] Eastern Far Place is thinly populated. Large tracts of land are virtually untouched by humans. Many areas of the [i:a2b0216b2a]gors and gallt[/i:a2b0216b2a] are too steep or too wet for any permanent human inhabitation, but also the presence of independent and even malign spirits, monsters and groups of elder races has prevented humans from conquering the land for themselves. Apart from those belonging to the secret Brynavading and Deruvading traditions, most Orlanthi are still very much strangers in a strange land, barely able to survive. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Survival in a strange – even alien – land, and meetings and negotiations with its elder inhabitants could be a central theme in a campaign set in eastern Far Place.[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] [b:a2b0216b2a]Presence of elder races[/b:a2b0216b2a] This article describes only the three Orlanthi tribes living in the eastern Far Place. The reader should remember, however, that especially the Dark Tribe, the Plant Tribe and the Dragonewts have had a long and standing presence in the region, starting from before the Dawn. All of them still con-sider the region as theirs. There are impenetrable pockets of aldryami thickets, hiding ancient holy places and small groups of brown and green elves, with innumerable runners and other semi-intelligent plants. Troll hunters know the spirits ruling the night of eastern Far Place, and stalk all kind of game and monsters right up to the edges of human hamlets. The Dragonewts have remained passive, but no one knows what they are up to. Their seemingly eternal contemplation could end yestercycle. While the elder races may lack the will and the numbers to kill off or drive out humans, they possess the knowledge and magic necessary to survive in the region. They roam freely, whereas humans are only starting to learn what lies outside of their new tulas – or even on their own backyards. [b:a2b0216b2a]General notes on the clans[/b:a2b0216b2a] There are altogether 14 Orlanthi clans in the region. 12 of their tulas are shown on the accompany-ing Eastern Far Place map. The two clans without their tula marked are those of Amad and Alone, centred on Amadhall and the town of Alone. Clans are described under their respective tribe, which is indicated by colour code on the map. Tribes and clans in eastern Far Place tend to be very small. The 14 clans, along with the military units in Alone, are composed of no more than 10.000 people (children younger than five years not included). This is no wonder, as all of these clans have been recently involved in a civil war and a failed rebellion. In addition, many clans have lost men, women and especially children while journeying into this new region. Even if the clans of eastern Far Place tend to be small, their clan tulas tend to be large. Because of the harsh climate and scarce resources, fields and pastures are small and scattered, and steads stand often alone. In most clans, cattle herding and even hunting, fishing and gathering are more important than farming. Not counting the two “urban” clans in Amadhall and Alone, every clan in eastern Far Place has a substantial number of hunters. [Erilliseen boxiin:] [i:a2b0216b2a]The lot of a refugee clan is not an easy one. Many clans cling stubbornly to their traditions, finding strength in things old and eternal. Some clans search their new home for new ways to survive. Some have been beaten and reformed as totally new clans, with a purity of idealism and a spirit of revenge hard to control. Some clans are still going through their inner schisms. All clans and tribes are weaker than they used to be, fearful in their new situation. What will come of the future?[/i:a2b0216b2a] [b:a2b0216b2a]Naming the clans[/b:a2b0216b2a] Heortling clans often have names with immediate meaning. This article has been written from a Sartarite point of view. Many clans in eastern Far Place speak Tarshite dialects, and the names of their clans are thus foreign to Sartarite Orlanthi. Naturally, the names of the clans are just as loaded with meaning as the names of the Sartarite clans – it’s just not immediately obvious to us. One central naming pattern of the Far Place clans is their ancestors. Amad, Bachad, Borund, Fastor, Garrik and Sarad were clan founders, chieftains, tribal kings, or all of these. These ancestors are all-important in defining what the clans and tribes are. They are not just ancestors among others, but have their own ancestor cults with initiates, sometimes even from outside of the clan. It is normal to add an -ing suffix when speaking of the people in the clan: Borundings, Garrings, Saradings. Another important naming pattern is connected to the recent history of the clans: Some clans are newly reformed or newfound. These include the Leoding, Perdali and Brynheort. Their names echo the spirit that led to their uniting. The Leodings accepted everyone, and became the “people’s clan”; the Perdali formed to revenge and destroy, and are the “destroyer clan”; the Brynheort refound the Brynavading tradition, and combining it with Heort’s tradition they became the “Bryn-Heort”. The rest of the clan and tribal names – Enferoli, Mezeros, Monrith, Swigel, Tres – are other Tar-shite names or words. You can invent proper translations for them, and thus bring more character to these clans. And if it suits your Glorantha better, don’t hesitate to reinterpret the names explained above! [b:a2b0216b2a]Clan data[/b:a2b0216b2a] To briefly sum up the basic nature of the clans, each clan has three defining aspects: political strategy, economic strategy and traditional values. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Political strategy[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] is either peace, war, or balanced. Peace clans are ruled by Ernaldan chieftains and base their survival on gifts and intrigue instead of arms. War clans are ruled by Orlanthi, Elmali or Maran Gori chieftains and base their survival on large number of weaponthanes and thralls. Balanced Clans are a mixture of these two opposites. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Economic strategy[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] can be fields, cattle, hunting (incl. fishing and gathering), tribute or handcrafts. Usually only the main economic strategy is mentioned. Unless otherwise noted, the clan also pursues all the other economic strategies, but they are less prominent. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Traditional values[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] represent the attitude and mood of the clan. Not every clan member is a stereotypical representative of these values, and every clan has people thinking the opposite. But the clan ring usually chooses its way of action in keeping with the clan’s traditions. The values are self-explanatory. In addition to this data, other basic aspects of the clans are summarized in table form, and relations of each individual clan are listed under a separate entry. Some notable personalities are also described. Some of them are quite controversial, especially when compared to the general values of their clan. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]These persons are active and widely known outside of the clans, persons who might help or confront the player characters in a campaign.[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] [b:a2b0216b2a]Internal friction[/b:a2b0216b2a] All clans in eastern Far Place support Orlanthi freedom and oppose Harvar Ironfist. This, however, doesn’t mean that the clans have amiable relations. On the contrary, there are several dividing lines between and even within the clans. Smaller frictions and individual attitudes are mentioned in indi-vidual clan entries, but the big ones that touch everyone are: [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Rebellion:[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] Some say fighting stopped too easily. They say the defeat at Gamla’s Leap was because of weak spear-arms, because of wavering shieldwalls, because of weak souls. The Righteous wind was defeated by the weakness of the clans. There are still strong men, strong hearts and strong magic left: Revenge lives on! Let weaklings hide in bushes. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Lunar:[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] Many see Lunar as the oppressor, the horrible scheming force behind everything, the bringer of turmoil and suffering. But some note that in the absence of a true king, only the Lunars possess enough power to bring peace among the quarrelling clans. They say Harvar and Lunar are different things, and that Lunar may be the only power able to dispose Harvar. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]New home:[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] New tulas mean new neighbours and new borders. Not everyone is happy about the present state of things. Some would like larger tulas. Some are ready to move again, further to the north and east. Many, especially the Ordaylans, still remember the eastern Far Place region as free hunting grounds, and whish to claim this freedom for themselves. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Small Sun:[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] The kinstrife between Elmali and Yelmalians was one of the chief factors that allowed Harvar to seize power, and eventually suppress faithful Orlanthi. While most tribes and clans have been purged, and some even have proclaimed the “Peace of One Sun”, the embers haven’t cooled yet. Faithful Elmali and their traditional Orlanthi friends scorn Yelmalians, and the scorn is returned in full. The integrity of the Bachad Tribe especially suffers from this strife. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Neighbours:[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] Eastern Far Place has a strong connection to Darkness and Trolls: Just east of Bachad, the Torkani worship Argan Argar, whom they call Argorlanth. Most clans belonging to Amad, Bachad and Tres tribes have strong Elmali traditions. Tradition of Light combined with Darkness worshiping neighbours causes a lot of friction between and inside the tribes. Some want to raid the Torkani and the Trolls, while others hope to find new friends and new strength among them, to op-pose Harvar and Lunars. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [heimo- ja klaanikuvausten jälkeen:] [b:a2b0216b2a]Lost clans[/b:a2b0216b2a] Many clans of Amad and Bachad were lost to Harvar’s mercenaries and internal strife. Their blood and traditions today live on in individual bloodlines, but all adults still remember what life was like before. If the political climate in Far Place and Sartar grows less hostile, these bloodlines may one day again form true clans again. [b:a2b0216b2a][i:a2b0216b2a]Founding again one of the lost clans could be an interesting and dramatic backbone for a campaign set in eastern Far Place.[/i:a2b0216b2a][/b:a2b0216b2a] [Lyhyt lista klaaneista ja siitä, mitä niille tapahtui: tuhoutuivatko, joutuivatko aldachurilaisten orjiksi, vai elävätkö verilinjoina Yksinäisen heimofederaation klaaneissa.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eetu, onko tässä mitään sellaista, joka palvelee peräänkuuluttamiasi asioita, skenen herättämistä paremmin eloon? Palveleeko tämä tarkoitusta? -G
Vesa linkki 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 3.16
Vesa 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 3.16 linkki Hienoa matskua taas. Ei ainakaan ensilukemalta tule esiin mitään mikä herättäisi sen kummempia kysymyksiä. Mitä tulee juttujen lehteen mahtumiseen niin katsotaan nyt kuinka paljon kaikenkaikkiaan niitä juttuja oikein tulee. Eurmal tekstin voi ihan hyvin jättää pois jos tarvitaan tilaa sinun artikkeleillesi, sitä kuitenkin tarvitsee muokkailla sen verran paljon vielä. Katsotaan sitten että jos sille on hyvin tilaan niin ruvetaan moukaroimaan sitä kuntoon. Koskaanhan ei ole juttuja periaatteessa liikaa, eli jos vaan intoa riittää ja tulee tähän numeroon liikaa juttuja niin ne voi hyvinkin pistää säilöön tulevia numeroita varten.
humis linkki 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 10.41
humis 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 10.41 linkki [quote:019b28589d="Garrik"] Eetu, onko tässä mitään sellaista, joka palvelee peräänkuuluttamiasi asioita, skenen herättämistä paremmin eloon? Palveleeko tämä tarkoitusta? [/quote:019b28589d] Joo, tämä on hyvää taustatietoa ja kertomusta siitä mitä merkitystä milläkin asialla on. Tietysti tähän päälle pitää saada ne itseasialliset sisällöt joita tässä kommentoidaan. Olisiko mahdollista saada jo tässä vaiheessa jokin kokonainen rakenteellinen outline, jossa olisi etenevä artikkelirakenne ja kaikki palaset oikeilla paikoillaan, ranskalaisin viivoin siellä missä kohtaa ei ole vielä kirjoitettu?
Garrik linkki 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 16.18
Garrik 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 16.18 linkki Lisäsin "Internal Friction" osuuden ja rukkasin vähän järjestystä. Eetu, ehdotuksesi on hyvä. Katson, jaksanko leikata ja liimata moisen yhteenvedon tänne - vai kirjoitanko vain puhtaaksi, ja syötä tekstiä valmiimpana. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artikkelirakenne simppelisti, ilman mitään sisältöjä: [b:f1bd89c83e][size=18:f1bd89c83e]Eastern Far Place People[/size:f1bd89c83e][/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e]Ingressi[/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e]Presence of elder races[/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e]General notes on the clans[/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e]Naming the clans[/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e]Clan data[/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e]Internal friction[/b:f1bd89c83e] [b:f1bd89c83e][size=18:f1bd89c83e]Amad Tribe[/size:f1bd89c83e][/b:f1bd89c83e] - Lyhyt yleiskuvaus [b:f1bd89c83e]Amad Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Elmali clan; mahdollisesti osia Gazetteerista (Amadhall) tänne - Tiivistelmä: Chieftain, Population (fyrd), Cults, Political strategy, Economic strategy, Values - Esittelyteksti - Relations - Notable personalities -> Nämä toistuvat jokaisen klaanin kohdalla. [b:f1bd89c83e]Borundi Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Orlanthi clan [b:f1bd89c83e]Enferoli Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Ernalda clan [b:f1bd89c83e]Leoding Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Ordalaya clan [b:f1bd89c83e][size=18:f1bd89c83e]Bachad Tribe[/size:f1bd89c83e][/b:f1bd89c83e] - Lyhyt yleiskuvaus [b:f1bd89c83e]Brynheort Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Ordayla/Brynavading clan -> Laajempi klaani- ja kulttikuvaus joko tässä tai lopussa [b:f1bd89c83e]Garrik Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The stubborn clan [b:f1bd89c83e]Mezeros Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Barntar/Issaries clan; mahdollisesti osia Gazetteerista (Barntar's Lodge) tänne [b:f1bd89c83e]Monrith Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Alakoring clan [b:f1bd89c83e]Swigel Clan[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Elmali/Yelmalian clan [b:f1bd89c83e][size=18:f1bd89c83e]Tres Tribe[/size:f1bd89c83e][/b:f1bd89c83e] - Lyhyt yleiskuvaus [b:f1bd89c83e]Wildcat[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Yinkini clan; mahdollisesti osia Gazetteerista (PurPurr) tänne [b:f1bd89c83e]Fastor[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Elmali war clan [b:f1bd89c83e]Sarading[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Ernalda/Erenia/Deruvading clan - Maasalama! -> Laajempi klaani- ja kulttikuvaus joko tässä tai lopussa [b:f1bd89c83e]Perdali[/b:f1bd89c83e] - The Maran (Devor) clan; mahdollisesti osia Gazetteerista (Devor) tänne [b:f1bd89c83e]Alone City[/b:f1bd89c83e] - Lyhyt yleiskuvaus; mahdollisesti osia Gazetteerista (Alone & Black Finger Stone) tänne [b:f1bd89c83e]Campaign themes[/b:f1bd89c83e] - Ideoita siitä, mitä tällä kaikella voi tehdä [b:f1bd89c83e]Mahdollisesti bonuksena:[/b:f1bd89c83e] - Kappaleen verran keskeisten kulttien uskonnollisista tavoista ja traditioista; siitä, mikä täällä on omintakeista... - Sauna (Eetu?) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tietenkään en saa kommentteja, ellen etukäteen kerro, mitä teen - mutta ehkäpä tämä toimii nyt näin, kun ei niitä kommentteja kovin paljon ole tullut muutenkaan. ;) Mulla menee kaiken kirjoittamiseen vähintään kuukausi. Työpuolella on kiirusta. :( Realististesti arvioisin, että loka-marraskuussa alkaisi olla niin valmista, että oikolukuun kannattaa lähettää. Tästä ei pitänyt tulla Far Place/Alone/Bachad teemanumeroa... Tää kama kuitenkin kuuluu yhteen - ei sitä kannata jakaa useampaan julkaisuun... Niin että sanokaa stop!, tai tiivistäkää/karsikaa, tai järkätkää tilaa (pienempi fontti ;)), tms. -G
Garrik linkki 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 16.33
Garrik 5. syyskuuta 2007 kello 16.33 linkki Laitan vielä tähän Brynheortin klaanin laajahkon yleisesittelyn näin niinkuin esimerkiksi (tosin ilman sitä odoteltua Brynavadingien kulttikuvausta). [u:23189693bd]En[/u:23189693bd] ole kirjoittamassa jokaisesta klaanista ollenkaan näin paljon. Paikallaan on ehkä kolmannes tästä. Niin, että esim. Amadin heimo mahtuisi kokonaan kolmelle sivulle kuvineen... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b:23189693bd]The Brynheort Clan[/b:23189693bd] [i:23189693bd]Chieftain: Baranis the Silent Population: 470 (Fyrd: 110) Cults: Ordayla/Bryn(avading), Orlanth, Ernalda, Asrelia Political strategy: Balanced Economic strategy: Hunters Values: Caution, Isolation[/i:23189693bd] Brynheort was formed only recently, when the Bachad master hunter Baranis the Silent found the wyter of the hidden Brynavading Clan. This happened while he was scouting the Lizardwood Wilds during the resettlement of the Bachad, early in 1612. Many of those who had lost their kin and all their belongings decided to follow Baranis and befriend the new wilderness. Deep in the forest and marshes, the motley group of hunters, widows and stickpickers found out that they shared Brynavading ancestors. They discovered an old power, an old way to survive, and an old legacy to guard. They became the Bryhneort, and Baranis is their first chieftain. The Bryheort live in one large crannog, a stockaded village at the centre of a large marsh in the Lizardwood. They have almost no cattle and only few fields, living from fishing and hunting (men), and horticulture and gathering (women). Almost all the men follow the Great Bear or Ordalaya, hunting in the Lizardwood and on the foothills of the Indigo Mountains, often reaching as far as the Moss-Moose and Daytime Woods. Brynheort hunters make up more than half of the Ordaylans that meet in and guard the Bear Nest, near Storlock. Similarly, elder Brynheort women form an important group within the Asrelian sisterhood meeting in the Caves, in the middle of the Lizardwood. Some Brynheort also commune with Lizardwood spirits, following another secret tradition, that of the Deruvadings. [Mietin vielä tota vikaa lausetta.] Visitors are not welcome to Brynheort village. Even the other clans of the Bachad Tribe think the Brynheort are a strange lot, all too secretive and secluded. However, many Brynheort have kin in other clans of the Alone Confederation, and Brynheort hunters visit their kin often, bringing gifts of the forest. The Brynheort are also a frequent sight on the Storlock market, even if they shun Trolls. Chieftain Baranis keeps few weaponthanes. They, along with a small number of other specialists, worship subcults of Orlanth. These individuals have to go to Storlock or to other clans if they wish to meet with their cult brothers. Many go to Orlanth’s Hill in Torkani lands. To allow this, the Brynheort have agreed not to raid their neighbour Torkani clans. Disputes over fishing rights on Dragon Creek are normal, however. [b:23189693bd]Relations[/b:23189693bd] [puuttuu; toisaalta aika hyvin tullut esiin jo edellä] [b:23189693bd]Notable personalities:[/b:23189693bd] [vielä ilman kuvauksia] - Torharl Broadmind, Kolating shaman - Derndruva Stone-keeper, gyrda of Asrelia - Ivarth Offirson, Issaries trader - Waldager Spear-finger, Tatouth warrior ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -G